Friday, December 09, 2005

...But The One Enjoyed It, Too!

Yesterday I finally got to show my film to my professor. She enjoyed it very much! She admired the techincal aspects that I used to mimic and pay homage to the very old silent films, and laughed at the jokes, costumes, and other fun parts of the film. I am confident that this project, worth 15% of my grade, will get me an A. Too bad it wasn't worth more! Only a few people still need to see the film, which is my father and a few more friends. It almost feels like the magic is gone once everyone's seen it, but I am proud of this film and I am happy and relieved that everyone has loved it so far. That's another "arrow in my quiver," as Christopher Lee once said

So what's next for No Budget Productions?

There are a few ideas in the works! There was a rumored parody of the TV show "House," but it's doubtful that it will happen. Another idea was a superhero spoof that promised to be funny, but that might not happen either. My best hope right now is to come up with a really good idea for my own episode of "The Twilight Zone." Problem is, all the great stories and twist endings have been taken! My mind is always at work, though, and I hope to come up with an idea and maybe even start a script over winter break. The idea is to film it in black and white, have a Rod Serling look-a-like do the narration, and focus on story mroe than effects, since that's what made the original show so great. Or it could be a completely different idea than any of these – who knows! Either way, I plan to be on camera for no more than 10 seconds or less in a Hitchcockian cameo, maybe to add a laugh. It's so much easier to be only behind the camera than in front of it. Hopefully whoever I choose to star will be willing and enthusiastic.

As for my existing films and the "Films of Brian Schwartz" DVD, I'm hoping to revisit them. I'd like to tweak a few films (you know, Dewbacks, Imperial Walkers in the background...just kidding). No, what I mean is that I'd like to change a few musical tracks on certain films. I'd also like to finally get the Jarred Mockumentary on the DVD, as well as a better quality version of Spanish Superheroes and its outtakes.

I'd like to also make a section for the "Unfinished Films," which would include two unfinished masterpieces: Donald Holden's "Evan Friday," and my still untitled, unfinished film from last summer! The idea would be to edit all the footage into some coherent form, and then the addition of outtakes and commentary describing what could have been. I would also like to film a personal introduction to the collection. A funny idea might be to have an Inside the Director's Studio where Donald and I could interview each other, and others can ask questions, but it's just a funny fantasy at this point! If only we could have gotten some footage of me accepting my award during senior year of high school!

Right now these ideas are just ideas and only in my mind for now. Hopefully by sometime over break and idea will come to mind, ready to be filmed by summer. So unless the Summer Film Curse strikes again, maybe we'll get another summer film done this time!


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